Märta-Lisa Magnusson

Senior lecturer, PhD

Dept. of Language, Migration, Society, Malmö Universsity, Sweden
Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, 2010. Why No Settlement in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict? – Which are the obstacles to a negotiated solution? in: Vamling, K. (ed.) Language, History and Cultural Identities in the Caucasus. Papers from the Conference, June 17-19, Malmö University. Caucasus Studies 2. Malmö: Depöartment of IMER, Malmö University, pp. 114-143.

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa,
"Prospects for peace in Chechnya" in: Rita Grünenfelder and Heinz Krummenacher (eds.): Searching for peace in Chechnya – Swiss Initiatives and Experiences. Swiss Peace Conference, 2006, pp. 4-13.

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, "Karabakh- den besværlige brik i de stores spil". I:
Ib Faurby og Märta-Lisa Magnusson (red.), Korsvej og minefelt. Kultur og konflikt i Kaukasus. Århus: Systime 2003, pp. 166- 213.

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, Faurby, Ib, "
Hvorfor ville russerne krig? Mediernes rolle under de to  russisk-tjetjenske krige", Nordisk Østforum, nr. 3, 2000, pp. 31-46.

Faurby, Ib, Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, "Europarådet, Rusland og krigene i Tjetjenien".  Udenrigs nr. 2, 2000.
(Sovet Evropi, Rossia i voyny v Chechne", Russian-language version, published on www.caucasus.dk.)

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, "Comments on Contributions" in: International Community and Strategies for Peace and Stability in and around  Chechnia (On the Results of the Joint Conference organized by the Swedish Institute of  International Affairs and the Journal Central Asia and the Caucasus. Central Asia and the  Caucasus. Journal of Social and Political Studies, no. 4. 2000, pp. 115-116

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, "The Failure of Conflict Prevention and Management  - The Case of Chechnya. Part 1: Conflict Assessment and Pre-War Escalation" in: Tom Trier & Lars Funch Hansen, Conflict and forced  displacement in the Caucasus. Danish Refugee Council, Copenhagen 1999

Faurby, Ib (with Märta-Lis Magnusson), "The Battle(s) of Grozny", Baltic Defence Review,  No. 2, 1999, pp. 75-87.

Faurby, Ib og Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, "
Endlösung i Tjetjenien?". Udenrigs, nr. 4, 1999, pp. 39-52.

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, "The Negotoation Process between Russia and Chechenia - Strategies, Achievements and Future Problems", in: Ole Høiris and Sefa Martin Yürükel, Contrasts and Solutions  in the Caucasus, Aarhus University Press, 1998.

Märta-Lisa, "I eller sammen med Rusland". Vindue mod øst, nr. 38, 1997.

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, "Nordkaukasus" i: Jens-Jørgen Jensen og Märta-Lisa Magnusson,
Rusland - samling eller sammenbrud, Esbjerg, 1995.

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa og Faurby Ib, "Revner Rusland?", Udenrigs nr. 2, 1995.

Magnusson, Märta-Lisa, "Konflikten mellem NordOssetien og Ingusjija", Vindue  mod øst,  nr. 25, 1993.

Essaied Abderrazakh, Henze Paul, Magnusson Marta-Lisa,
Chechnya. Report  of An International Alert Fact-Finding Misson, (September 24-October 3, 1992). London 1992.